XIMENA NAVARRETE | Agenda de Diciembre

12:36 a.m.

Esta es la agenda de Ximena Navarrete, Miss Universo 2010 para el mes de noviembre.

December 1, 2010: World AIDS Day
Check out Ximena's PSA honoring World AIDS Day on MissU TV.

December 5, 2010: Travel to France
Ximena will travel to France for the International Luxury Travel Market.

December 7, 2010: Visit to the Four Season Hotels
Ximena will visit the Four Season Hotels in Canne, France.

December 7, 2010: Opening of the International Luxury Travel Market
Ximena will travel a party to celebrate the opening of the International Luxury Travel Market.

December 11, 2010: NYC Patrolmen Benevolent Association's Party
Ximena will asist to the Patrolmen Benevolent Association's Annual Christmas Party with Miss Teen USA, Kamie Crawford.

December 17, 2010: Opening of the International Luxury Travel Market
Ximena will asist to the Boys & Girls Club Auction Dinner, en New York.

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